Mr. Jonathan Tillman is the CEO of Medical Tracking Solutions, Inc., the developers of the iTraycer Inventory Management System, and the Data Exchange Platform. Mr. Tillman has been with the company since 2013. Prior to joining Medical Tracking Solutions, Mr. Tillman spent 11 years in the medical device industry helping to build outsourcing companies focused on inventory management. He spent 10 years at Millstone Medical Outsourcing in various roles within sales, marketing, account management, and operations. He was responsible for establishing and managing the company’s loaner kit processing program and warehousing and distribution facility in Memphis, TN. More recently, Mr. Tillman worked for Life Science Outsourcing, helping to build a decontamination, sterilization, and inventory management division within the company. Prior to joining Millstone, he worked for Yahoo! and was responsible for launching and managing the company’s Washington, DC, sales office. Mr. Tillman graduated from Georgetown University where he earned All Big East honors as a member of the varsity track team.